Friday, July 12, 2013

Tansy, bee balm and more!

Last year there were a few dark flowers, and genetics have decided that this year there were more. Don't know where the dark genes came from, I started out with all pale purple like lower right.

I like how the purple coneflower pops up in the middle!
Ahhh, my purple coneflowers are blooming. Love them.
Not the clearest picture, but this is tansy when it's blooming. Some people actually cut off the flowers because they like the foliage.

The wild roses, still in bloom, get a lot of customers!
Ceanothus americanus in full bloom. It's about 4 and a half feet tall.
Yarrow lying down in the grass.
Goatsbeard globe of seed/parachutes. I see these all the time, singly floating across the yard, and I think they are wasps or something. But they're very leisurely.
Lead plant in full bloom! Yeah!
More purple coneflower!

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