Friday, December 25, 2020

So, 7 months later ...

Covid-19 has made life complicated and I haven't done much with my brain for awhile.

So I take it out and play with it every once in awhile. Today I'm feeding it leg of lamb and kahlua.

I have bitten back into genealogy, but my hopes of  anyone helping me from the Postville Cemetery people is fading. There is an UNKNOWN burial close to all my Davises that I am pretty certain is Nun, but the woman with the records is unwilling to help me. Reer.

I have found two generations of Wings in Germany, though. They are Miersons. Not having too much luck with Klara Spiller. You can see I have no parents for her, either a name or anything. Could be because she and her parents fled the removals of Poles from Germany. So many waves of removals. Gah. I also don't read the cursive that passes for German on these documents. Eesh.

And Emily Ross, who took Ushi's newly purchased bedclothes, while John and Ushi were newlyweds in her household. 

Well, I'm looking for all these guys. Dates and relationships. Not doing too bad, but a person has to know when to quit a while.

Like I should quit drinking that kahlua, really.

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