Monday, April 23, 2018

He-man: Make fire!

To make a fire you need fuel, oxygen and ignition.

Mr. Butthead doesn't understand this. He had some trees taken down in January, and declined the offer to take the tree limbs away. So he's cutting them into rounds and piling them, but he piled up some of the smaller branches for a fire.

I dread him burning brush because he doesn't pay attention to the wind direction, and sometimes fills my house with smoke. He IS a Butthead, after all.

So I come home one day, and see one pile with a blackened branch. I look at this and I smile evilly. He's got green wood and he couldn't light it. I'm happy. Almost wishing I'd been here. Heh. And it looks like he gave up. It's quite possible to burn green brush, but it requires some finesse.

Over the weekend after his burn failure, he got a small open trailer and he's fixing up the hitch to attach to his golf cart. Now TinyTown's brush dump is full of mud and ruts and I doubt that a golf cart can navigate the dump, but if he takes it somewhere else, it's cool with me. If he's not burning, it's good.

I don't mind a competent, considerate burner. I know several. But the evidence shows that he's at the other end of the spectrum.

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